Delivery of this course is funded by DHS FEMA to provide free training to emergency responders. Through the NDPC, TEEX NERRTC provides a subaward to ALERRT with a subaward to C3 Pathways (the course developer and owner) to deliver the course. To place a Hosting Request for a DHS funded delivery of this course click here.
Please note there are annual funding limits and your request may be wait-listed. State TPOC approval is required. Completing a Hosting Request does not guarantee a delivery. Please see below for ASIM Hosting Requirements.
A Master Class in Active Shooter Incident Management
From beginner to advanced in 3 days. Each day has short lectures and lots of hands-on practice. A Master Class in ASIM. No pre-requisites required.

Experience Managing Active Shooter Incidents
The goal is simple — decrease the time to neutralize the threat and get injured to a hospital.
This course provides you with the experience and confidence to manage an Active Shooter Event, no matter your current rank or day-to-day assignment.
- Law Enforcement
- From patrol officer to the Chief, you will experience the full range of law enforcement assignments. Participants will rotate through Contact Teams, Rescue Task Forces, Tactical Group Supervisor, Staging Manager, Perimeter Group Supervisor, Law Enforcement Branch, Intelligence Section Chief, Incident Command, and Area Command. You will work side-by-side with your fire/EMS counterparts to achieve an integrated response.
- Fire and EMS
- From EMT to the Chief, you will experience the full range of medical assignments. Participants will rotate through Rescue Task Forces, Triage Group Supervisor, Transport Group Supervisor, Staging Manager, Medical Branch, Incident Command, and Area Command. You will work side-by-side with your law enforcement counterparts to achieve an integrated response.
- Dispatch
- You will gain experience using CAD, radios, and phones to manage 911 calls, while also building familiarity with radio traffic, note taking, and benchmarks for law enforcement and fire/EMS during active shooter incidents. Each scenario starts and ends with dispatch personnel.
- Public Information Officer
- You will experience the confusion and chaotic speed of gathering information in an unfolding active shooter incident. Working in the Command Post, you will collect information, develop a press release approved by the Incident Commander, and deliver a live press conference alongside the Incident Commander.
- Emergency Management
- You will experience the confusion and chaotic speed of an active shooter incident serving as Emergency Management at the Command Post and Area Command. As the immediate crisis is brought under control, you will demonstrate the value of emergency management by helping the Incident Commander solve short and long-term challenges.
- Helicopter Pilot
- You will experience coordinating with law enforcement to conduct surveillance missions and fire/EMS to conduct medical evacuation missions during active shooter incidents. Using our high-fidelity seated flight simulator, you will fly a twin-engine helicopter in the same 3D virtual reality environment as law enforcement and fire/EMS responders working on the ground.

Active Shooter Incident Management Advanced is a 3-day comprehensive course using the ASIM Checklist integrated response process. Eleven full-scale exercises utilize the multi-responder NIMSProtm 3D virtual reality simulator that places everyone in the middle of the action.
Participants are trained to integrate and manage a multi-discipline response to a full range of Active Shooter and hostile event threats, including Complex Coordinated Attack (CCA).
The course is appropriate for all ranks of law enforcement, fire, EMS, and dispatch. The course provides hands-on incident management experience for street responders and leaders alike.
Instructors utilize a no-fault, no-embarrassment coaching style to conduct live training with up to 60 students. Exercises include attacks at a train station, school, airport, mall, courthouse, and cruise terminal. Scenarios include active shooter events, suspect at large, reunification, Complex Coordinated Attack (CCA), IEDs, and hostage barricade.
NERRTC – The National Emergency Response and Recovery Training Center (NERRTC) at Texas A&M Engineering Extension Service (TEEX) has been a leader in homeland security training since 1998. NERRTC enhances the capabilities of emergency responders and local officials to prepare for, respond to, and recover from catastrophic events resulting from natural events, man-made accidents, or terrorist attacks. A founding member of both the National Domestic Preparedness Consortium (NDPC) and the National Cybersecurity Preparedness Consortium (NCPC), NERRTC has provided local, state, tribal and territorial jurisdictions with high-quality, hands-on, scenario-driven leadership training, exercises, and technical assistance.
ALERRT – The Advanced Law Enforcement Rapid Response Training (ALERRT) Center at Texas State University was created in 2002 as a partnership between Texas State University, the San Marcos (TX) Police Department and the Hays County (TX) Sheriff’s Office to address the need for active shooter response training for law enforcement officers. In 2003, the ALERRT program began offering nationwide training with funding from the Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA). In 2013 in partnership with C3 Pathways, the ALERRT mission expanded to include integrated response training for all first responders (e.g. law enforcement, fire, and emergency medical services). That same year the FBI adopted the ALERRT program as the national training standard for the Bureau.
Through our partnership, ALERRT and C3 Pathways jointly developed and delivered the Active Threat Integrated Response Course (ATIRC), the first national DHS certified integrated response course for active threats. C3 Pathways and ALERRT also jointly assisted Louisiana State University’s National Center for Biomedical Research and Training (NCBRT) with developing the Complex Coordinated Attack course, and updated several existing ALERRT curriculum to include the C3 Pathways Active Shooter Incident Management (ASIM) methodology.
In an expanded partnership with TEEX NERRTC, ALERRT, and C3 Pathways, DHS funding was provided through TEEX NERRTC to offer national deliveries of the C3 Pathways ASIM Advanced (PER-353 NERRTC ALERRT C3) and ASIM Intermediate (PER-352 NERRTC ALERRT C3) courses.
We offer the best in Active Shooter Incident Management courses